Cold still waters running deep

Pale before the eyes


By the hands that feed

Thunder clouds the skies

Drifting with the tide

Floating with the stream

The howling winds have gathered strength

From a whisper to a scream

Sell me down the river

And out to sea

Cast me adrift and set me to sail

Just one last kiss before raising hell

Beyond the pale

Beyond the pale

Heed to Neptune's calling deceived in fable and lore

Learn from treacherous bibles

Of murder, hate and war

Searching for the tears

In an ocean of rain

The yearning of the raging sea beckons once again

Sell me down the river

And out to sea

Cast me adrift and set me to sail

Just one last kiss before raising hell

Beyond the pale

Beyond the pale

Gathering of the storm

And the winds are blowing wild

Sweeping over cross and creed, country, colour and child

Mother nature cries for love

Her children lost at sea

And as the waves take me away

Say a prayer for liberty

Sell me down the river

And out to sea

Cast me adrift and set me to sail

Just one last kiss before raising hell

Beyond the pale
