once said somthing that made me
want to burn my liquer store down to the ground
But I just can't leave the pad, cuz I'll surely wind up dead,
cuz i know there out there out there waiting and watching for me
Still I got my yellow cat and my wooden baseball bat
and my shiny silver gat and if my homey my back then I got

All that I need, look at all the love we've found
I won't run and pull the one jack move
they love her for the kingston sound

I won't slip, and I won't trip Send Matt Vargas to regrip
While I'm wrenchin' on my ride, in that secret pad where we hide,
there's always lots fun stuff to do,
like relax and design a brand new tatoo
Play with my cross-word puzzle book, I'm even learning how to cook

Have you seen that whore betty?
Someone said she stole my pritty
And if she made off with my last clean ring,
I'm gonna kill that fuckinest bitch
So what?
Outta my, outta my, outta my, outta my secret pad,
cuz I know your taklin' about me baby, it's hard to live
Cause I, don't want no money, but no money down
My secret tweaker pad is now the hottest pale spot in town I guess
Take it nice and easy
Don't want no sheriff breakin' down the door to raid me

All that I need, look at all the love we've found
I won't run and pull the one jack move
they love her for the kingston sound

Baby you wanna give me kisses sweet,
only for one night with no repeat
Baby you wanna leave and never go
But the taste of honey is worse than none at all
